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  WhatsApp Resources

A handy list of resources to browse, from websites to WhatsApp broadcasts

You're sure to find a new favorite!
Have something to add to the list? Drop us a line with the chat box below


Beis Hamikdash Thought Daily - brought to you daily by Kolel Beis Menachem Lubavitch Melbourne

to join group:


Bring the House Down - Short Moshiach thought sent daily in text and audio format

to join group:


​ - Sharing Jewish inspiration, information, and illumination for everyone to enjoy!

to subscribe message: 570-543-2125


Chassidus Once a Week - A weekly sicha from Mrs. Fruma Schapiro

to subscribe message: 619-757-0486


Chayenu Gate of Trust - Daily Snippets and Discussions on Bitachon, brought to you by Chayenu

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Chinuch by Chava - The Chinuch Project, weekly posts with a practical takeaway

to subscribe message: 323-574-3598


Chinuch Call for Moms - 10-20 minute conference call, learning Teachings  of the Rebbe on Chinuch & The Principles of Education and Guidance, by the Previous Rebbe

to subscribe message: 718-600-0962


Chinuch Gems - A project of Bais Chaya Mushka Seminary, Montreal

to subscribe message: 514-733-2221 or




Daily Igros - In honor of the first Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Sholom M. Simpson ×¢"×”, the Rebbe’s personal Mazkir, an initiative was undertaken to print a daily letter - from the printed Igros Kodesh.
To subscribe, click here:


Daily Moshiach Message - Paragraph with a timely Moshiach thought based on the Rebbe’s Sichos

to subscribe message: 718-813-4850


Derher - A Chassidisher Derher broadcast

to subscribe message: 718-305-6859


Direct Connect - Shluchos teach a weekly sicha about Moshiach and Geulah

to subscribe message: 917-676-9620


Dvar Malchus - Summaries, classes and events connected to Dvar Malchus and Moshiach

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Dvar Malchus Message Memes - Attractive memes with powerful messages from the Dvar Malchus sichos

to subscribe message: 770-309-0927‬




Emunah & Bitachon - Letters from the Rebbe

to subscribe message: 929-326-1523 




Hilchos Chanukah - Short daily message from Kitzur Shulchan Aruch on Hilchos Chanukah

to subscribe message: 718-704-9102




Inbetweeners  Anonymous - Here to support the Inbetweener constantly struggling to do the right thing, refusing to listen to the selfish impulse within. Bringing daily Tanya inspiration to you in under a minute!

to subscribe message: 917-562-0181


Inyanei Geulah U'Moshiach Thought - sent daily

to subscribe message: 718-813-4850




Jem Daily Rebbe Video - Daily video clips of the Rebbe

to subscribe message: 718-774-6000


Jewish Woman Influencer - Supporting and inspiring women in the areas of Marriage. Mikvah. Chinuch. Parenting.

to subscribe message: 646-538-3414


JLI - videos on Jewish topics from the Jewish Learning Institute

to subscribe message: 718-221-6906


Junior N'Shei - Be the first to know about Junior N'Shei's events!

to subscribe message: 646-464-2011




Kashrus: Be in the Know - Addressing common questions on Kashrus

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Learn & Bring Moshiach - Short clips of Moshiach & Geulah shiurim

to subscribe message: (646) 820-0856 or email


Live and Learn CH - updates on events for women happening in Crown Heights

to subscribe message: 347-770-0330


Lines of Faith - Short message of faith and positive life perspective

to subscribe message: 323-574-3598 with your name and the words "faith subscribe"




Maayan Yisroel Daily Video - Maayon Yisroel uplifting daily video with Rabbi Reuven Wolf

to subscribe click this link:


Maor Daily Rebbe Video - Daily video clips of the Rebbe

to subscribe message: 718-687-8900


Maor Kids Rebbe Video - 3 Rebbe videos weekly for kids

to subscribe message: 347-687-8770


Mitzvah Minute - Daily Sefer Hamitzvos

with Rabbi Yossi Lipskier, daily Sefer Hamitzvos in a 60 second video

to subscribe, click this link:


Moshiach Matters with Rabbi Moshe Liberow - Reminders and announcements for the Monday Night Moshiach Matters shiur

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Moshiach Minute - A daily dose of Moshiach to uplift your day!

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Moshiach Status - Did it reach you yet? Check out the daily MOSHIACH STATUS! Send a message "Moshiach status' to this link & Save the number on your contacts. to subscribe click this link


Moshiach Status Broadcast - To get the Moshiach status as a picture, send a message "Moshiach broadcast" to this link & save the number on your contacts.

to subscribe click this link:


Moshiach Tidbit - One-sentence Moshiach message daily

to subscribe message: “Hebrew” or “English” to





Pen of the Soul - Learn the language of your soul! Learn about niggunim.

to join group:


Project Elevate - All can join to enjoy a daily short (less than 2 minutes) video - tznius inspiration! The Rebbe said more should be done about tznius during the summer!

to subscribe, click this link:




Rabbi Avtzon Daily Geulah u'Moshiach - Created in honor of Shivim Shana, recieve a daily 10-minute shiur on Moshiach and Geulah

to join group:


Rabbi Wolf's Dvar Malchus - Info and recordings of Rabbi Reuven Wolf's weekly Dvar Malchus shiur

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Sefer Hamitzvos - 

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Sketches in Sefer Hamitzvos - Learn the daily Sefer Hamitzvos with a sketch!

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Sketches in Tanya - A daily dose of Tanya with a sketch!

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SoulWords - Videos from Rabbi Shais Taub

to join broadcast




Tanya from Chitas Shiur - Audio of Rabbi Paltiel

to subscribe message: +972 58-493-4610


The Chassidishe Parshah - Weekly WhatsApp audio in Hebrew/English of a Maamar of Torah Or/Likutei Torah, and the weekly Maamar of the Rebbe printed in the Dvar Malchus from Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov

to subscribe message: +44 7956 839 154


Torah Broadcast - by Rabbi Lipskier

to subscribe message: 347-620-2063




Woman to Woman - Learn Tanya like never before with a shiur by Chani Telsner Stiefelmann

to subscribe message: +55 11 947124123


Welcome Moshiach - Tidbits and vignettes about Kabolas Hamalchus

to join group:




70 Days for 70 Years - 70 Day learning Moshiach program between Rosh Chodesh Kislev and Yud Shevat, prepared by Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

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